
New Feature

Add ‘Skip’ Parameter for all Module Components

We currently have limit to specify the number of items returned by a component.


{% component source: "Module Name", limit: "100" ... %}

It would be handy to also have skip (or offset) to allow the offset of items retrieved.


{% component source: "Module Name", limit: "100", skip: "100" ... %}

This would be useful for custom pagination...

  • Liquid
New Feature

Add tag {{request.request_data.referrer_href}}

Currently we have {{request.request_data.referrer}} available to us. This tag comes in handy for form redirects. However, it would be handy to have another option {{request.request_data.referrer_href}} .

There are times when I have a custom module search page. Users can filter/search and then edit the module item on the front end. However, when using the current “referrer” in a form...

  • Liquid
New Feature

Custom Liquid Filter: "wrap_if"

Request for a custom liquid filter that appends/prepends strings (or variables) only if the target object is not null or empty. This will be useful when we have properties/values we want to conditionally output within it's own HTML structure only when it is present (which is a common task).
For example, in Menu layouts we only want to render a...
  • Liquid