
New Feature

Custom Email Reports With GA Stats

Custom email notifications with Google Anatlytics stats to admin users weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.
  • Analytics
New Feature

Ability to hide unused fields in admin -> module -> item view

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could hide any default fields from the item view in a module. All those extra fields are just cluttering up the view and making it hard for clients and editors to focus on what they need to populate.

Here is an example. All of these fields could be hidden, and when the client...
  • Custom Modules
  • General
New Feature

Add Custom CSS, Font Etc. in WYSIWYG

Be able to add custom colors, CSS, fonts in WYSIWYG editor (via Treepl Portal, per site).

  • Treepl Portal
  • WYSIWYG Editor
New Feature

Add Custom Table Columns For All Tabular List Views In Admin

The ability to use "custom columns" across the admin so it would be possible to add specific columns in "Form submission" for example. That would give the possibility to customize the different modules to fit the neess of a client. For example it would be possible to add first name, last name and email to the "Form submission" module to...
  • Admin Panel
  • General
New Feature

Add ‘Skip’ Parameter for all Module Components

We currently have limit to specify the number of items returned by a component.


{% component source: "Module Name", limit: "100" ... %}

It would be handy to also have skip (or offset) to allow the offset of items retrieved.


{% component source: "Module Name", limit: "100", skip: "100" ... %}

This would be useful for custom pagination...

  • Liquid
New Feature

Add tag {{request.request_data.referrer_href}}

Currently we have {{request.request_data.referrer}} available to us. This tag comes in handy for form redirects. However, it would be handy to have another option {{request.request_data.referrer_href}} .

There are times when I have a custom module search page. Users can filter/search and then edit the module item on the front end. However, when using the current “referrer” in a form...

  • Liquid
New Feature

Afterpay Payment Gateway

Afterpay payment gateway for ecommerce and payable forms/events/subscriptions.

  • Ecommerce
New Feature

Allow Clients Email Account Management Access

The ability for admins logged in to the backend of a site to add and edit emails for the particular domain.
At the moment it is only accessible by partners.

The process I am suggesting is:

A Partner sets up the base email integration for a site.
Once the email integration is added, the ability to add or...
  • Admin Panel
  • BC Equivalent
  • Emails
New Feature

Assign Template In HTML File

The ability to assign templates on page. Possibly a special line in the head.
Then one would be able to assign templates to pages uploaded with FTP, in the HTML instead of assigning them after upload.

For example 11ty uses something like this. They have a head section on pages delimited by three “—”

layout: mainlayout.html...
  • Pages and Templates
New Feature

Custom Liquid Filter: "wrap_if"

Request for a custom liquid filter that appends/prepends strings (or variables) only if the target object is not null or empty. This will be useful when we have properties/values we want to conditionally output within it's own HTML structure only when it is present (which is a common task).
For example, in Menu layouts we only want to render a...
  • Liquid