

"Yoga" is a nice and clean template built using the Bootstrap v4.4.1 framework. It features 3 galleries types (Isotope, Carousel, and Masonry), blog, Secure Zone, events bookings, etc. It will be a perfect fit for any fitness classes, sports clubs, webinars, and workshop platforms.

Modules and functionality

  • support WCAG 2.1 AA
  • Bootstrap v4.4.1
  • Built with GULP, SASS/SCSS


  • Open Sans (Google font)
  • Font Awesome (icons)
Health & Beauty
Compatible plans:
Layered PSD
Minimum Photoshop Version:

Intended for Conferences, Seminars, Beauty Salons, Barbershops, Sport, Fitness

  • Landing page
  • Testimonials
  • Reservation form
  • Cafe menu

As a Treepl Reseller you have an exclusive access to the latest version of source assets (PSD’s + HTML/CSS/SCSS/GruntJS files) of this and every other Treepl template.

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As a Treepl Partner you have an exclusive access to the latest version of source assets (PSD’s + HTML/CSS/SCSS/GruntJS files) of this and every other Treepl template. To become a Treepl Partner click here

  1. Pick the template and download the PSD pack
  2. Redesign the PSD`s to match your client's needs and requirements
  3. Send over the revised PSD`s to Treepl Services
  4. Save up to 80% on your site development with impressively fast delivery

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