Available bundles
"Coffee" is a Bootstrap v5.0.1 template, compatible with OSE Pro. It's a landing page with a menu, testimonials, hot offers, and a reservation form. Perfect for a small business site, coffee shop, bakery, or small cafe without eCommerce.
Modules and functionality
- Bootstrap v5.0.1
- Built with GULP, SASS/SCSS
- Roboto (Google font)
- Reem Kufi Fun (Google font)
- Choose template in the Treepl Portal as new trial site
- Activate OSE Pro in your Treepl admin panel
- Use free fully implemented template competible with OSE Pro
- Customize template, change content, color scheme etc
Are you a web Designer?
As a Treepl Partner you have an exclusive access to the latest version of source assets (PSD’s + HTML/CSS/SCSS/GruntJS files) of this and every other Treepl template. To become a Treepl Partner click here
Pick the template and download the PSD pack
Redesign the PSD`s to match your client's needs and requirements
Send over the revised PSD`s to Treepl Services
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